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svgadminsvgDecember 22, 2013svgNews

Hamas Qassam Lands in Egyptian Territory

A Qassam rocket fired from Gaza landed in Egyptian regional waters Sunday, an Egyptian military official told the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news agency.

The official said the rocket landed 300 meters off the coast of Egypt’s Rafiah and exploded in the water.

There were no injuries reported, Ma’an said.

Hamas told Egyptian intelligence that the rocket was fired during a military training exercise performed in the Tal al-Sultan area of Gaza, the official said.

The rocket reached Egypt by mistake, he noted.

Gaza terrorists have fired an endless number of rockets at southern Israel, but these attacks have mostly originated from Gaza itself.

On a few occasions, however, the attacks were perpetrated from the restive Sinai Peninsula. These attacks, which have usually been directed at the southern Israeli city of Eilat, have not been claimed by Hamas but rather by a Sinai-based jihadist group.

The relations between the Hamas government in Gaza and the interim Egyptian government have been tense.

Since the Egyptian military overthrew Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, whose Muslim Brotherhood movement is Hamas’s parent movement, the Egyptian army has been shutting down the tunnels leading from the Sinai into Gaza. Hamas uses these tunnels to transfer goods, weapons and even terrorists.

Egypt has blamed Hamas of being involved in teaching Islamists in Egypt how to carry out attacks. Hamas has denied the allegations.

Recent reports indicated that Gaza has been under an Egyptian siege and not an Israeli one as Hamas constantly claims.

Israel, in fact, allowed a diesel delivery into Gaza last week, in order to help the region recover from massive flooding caused by winter storm.

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