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svgadminsvgApril 16, 2015svgNews

Hamas MPs: Sue Israeli Prison Officials at ICC

The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) held a special meeting in Gaza on Wednesday ahead of “Prisoners Day” on April 17, in which it discussed the situation of Arab terrorists currently jailed in Israel.

Hamas MP Mohammed Faraj al-Rul called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to submit a lawsuit at the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the “crimes” committed by Israel against the jailed terrorists, and likewise to stop the security cooperation with Israel.

The PA joined the ICC on April 1, in a unilateral move in breach of the 1993 Oslo Accords which formed the PA. As for the jailed terrorists, they in fact receive preferential treatment over jailed criminals, enjoying numerous perks.

Al-Rul demanded that the Palestinian leadership put on trial Palestinian Arabs who cooperate with the “Israeli occupation,” and to force Israel to release the terrorist prisoners immediately.

In the meeting Hamas leader and PLC MP Ismail al-Ashqar called for diplomatic action that would let parliaments around the globe know about “Israeli crimes,” and have it classified as “true terror opposed to international law.”

Al-Ashqar called on the Arab terrorist groups to abduct IDF soldiers to use them in trying to negotiate the release of jailed terrorists. That call was echoed on Thursday by senior Hamas official Khalil al-Haya, who called to abduct “all” Israelis.

The mufti of Hamas, MP Yunis al-Astal, recommended building a media database containing the names of Israeli wardens and prison officials, who “commit crimes” according to him, and to publish it on social networks ahead of submitting a suit at the ICC.

Like his comrades, al-Astal also called to abduct IDF soldiers to free terrorists, which is a war crime according to the Geneva Convention.

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