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svgadminsvgSeptember 27, 2013svgNews

Hamas Arrests Fatah Gunmen in Gaza

Four members of the Fatah affiliated Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades group have been arrested by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. 

The arrests were reported by the PA-based Maan news agency, who said the four, yielding weapons, delivered a vitriolic press conference from the Al Ghafri Tower in Gaza City. The report said after journalists left, Hamas men surrounded the building and forced the Aqsa fighters to unmask before they were detained.

In recent months, Hamas security agencies have detained dozens of Fatah-affiliated political activists accusing them of belonging to the ‘Tamarod’ (Rebel) movement, which was formed to overthrow Muslim Brotherhood rule in Egypt.

A Gazan version of the group has been set up aimed at deposing the Hamas led government in Gaza. The Tamarod group has been active against Hamas, broadcasting messages against its leadership.

The group has released a statement accusing Hamas of murder, torture, bribes and smuggling. “Those who carry resistance fighters’ rifles must stop also pointing those rifles at their own people,” the group accused, according to Maan.

In one video posted last month, four youth Tamarod members urged Gazans to take to the streets. The men wearing masks covering their faces, said that the start of the revolt against Hamas would take place on November 11th of this year, the date of the death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat

Last month, a Palestinian Arab Human Rights organization issued a statement detailing its concerns over a wave of arrests by Hamas’ internal security service against Fatah members in Gaza.

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