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svgadminsvgJanuary 29, 2015svgNews

Gunman Storms Dutch TV Studio, Demands Airtime

A gunman was arrested on Thursday in one of the studios of Dutch news broadcaster NOS after disrupting the main evening news and reportedly demanding airtime.

According to the BBC, staff were evacuated from the building, located in the Media Park in the central city of Hilversum.

The man, smartly dressed and carrying a long pistol, paced around a studio that appeared to be empty, according to the report.

When armed police confronted him, he dropped the gun and was overpowered.

During the disruption to the NOS news program, the channel broadcast a message reading, “In connection with circumstances, no broadcast is available at this time”.

The man’s motive is still unclear. The NOS footage shows him saying, “The things that are going to be said [pause] – those are very large world affairs. We were hired by the security service.”

A threatening letter the gunman allegedly gave to staff, warning of bomb and cyber attacks if he was prevented from going on air, has been published on the NOS website in Dutch.

A reporter who spoke to the man said he had claimed to be from a “hackers’ collective”, according to reports.

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