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svgadminsvgAugust 7, 2016svgNews

GOP congressman blasts Trump, endorses Libertarian candidate

On Saturday Scott Rigell, the Republican congressman who represents Virginia’s 2nd congressional district, became the third GOP member of the House of Representatives to pledge not to vote for his party’s nominee, Donald Trump.

“I’ve always said I will not vote for Donald Trump and I will not vote for Hillary Clinton,” Rigell said in an interview with The New York Times.

Instead, the congressman said he would be voting for Libertarian candidate and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, despite Johnson’s support for abortion on demand and governmental recognition of gay marriage.

Rigell, a staunchly conservative Republican, has a history of defying the party line, refusing in 2013 to endorse E.W. Jackson, then running for Virginia Lieutenant Governor, over controversial comments he had made regarding homosexuals. Rigell was also one of only two House Republicans to oppose the decision to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt over the “Fast and Furious” gun scandal.

Along with Rigell, New York congressman Richard Hanna and Illinois congressman Adam Kinzinger have also indicated they will not vote for the GOP nominee this November.

While Hanna has said he would back Democratic nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over Trump, Kinzinger has refused to back the former First Lady, suggesting he may write-in an alternative candidate.

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