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svgadminsvgAugust 8, 2013svgNews

Gaza Terrorists Fire Qassam at Southern Israel

Terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza fired a Qassam rocket towards the Eshkol Regional Council on Wednesday night.

The rocket exploded in an open region, causing no physical injuries or damages. Local residents said that the “Red Alert” warning siren had not gone off before the rocket exploded.

Israel and Hamas agreed to an Egyptian-brokered “ceasefire” after Israel’s counter-terrorist Operation Pillar of Defense last November. Nevertheless, the terrorist groups operating in Gaza have violated the ceasefire several times.

Last Tuesday morning, terrorists fired a rocket from Gaza into southern Israel, as peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Israel began in Washington.

The rocket exploded in an empty area within the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. No one was hurt and no damage was reported.

Similar attacks took place July 21 and July 18.

On July 24, two mortar shells slammed into Israel’s southern region, exploding in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council district. Neither attack caused any property damage, nor was anyone physically injured.

In this case as well, the Color Red incoming rocket alert siren did not activate, according to local sources in the area.

In spite of the lack of physical injuries in attacks such as this one, the impact of more than a decade of rocket-fire on these embattled Israeli communities is severe.

Research has shown that pregnant women are at a higher risk of miscarriage in areas that are under rocket threat, and that children are at higher risk for juvenile diabetes. Many suffer from the psychological and emotional effects of trauma, including insomnia, anxiety and depression.


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