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svgadminsvgJune 29, 2014svgNews

Gaza Terrorists Fire 2 Rockets at Southern Israel

Terrorists from Gaza fired two rockets towards the Eshkol Regional Council in southern Israel on Sunday night.

The rockets exploded in open areas, causing no physical injuries or damages.

The “Red Alert” siren was heard in the region before the rockets exploded.

The attack is a continuation of the recent escalation in rocket attacks on southern Israel. Earlier Sunday evening, Gaza terrorists fired six rockets towards the town of Netivot.

Two of the rockets were intercepted by Iron Dome batteries stationed near the town. The four others fell in uninhabited and empty areas and did not cause any injuries or damage.

Gaza terrorists fired two rockets on Israel on Saturday evening, hitting communities in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council area to the immediate east of the Hamas-enclave.

One rocket directly hit the “Denber” plastic factory in Sderot’s industrial area, causing a large fire to break out. The factory is attached to a paint factory, and both caught fire.

In retaliation, the Israel Air Force struck nine terrorist targets in Gaza on Saturday night, including a weapons manufacturing site in northern Gaza, a weapons manufacturing site and a terrorist center in central Gaza, and three concealed rocket launchers and three terrorist centers in southern Gaza.

The rocket fire from Gaza has escalated since Hamas terrorists kidnapped three Israeli teens on June 12. On Friday, the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system intercepted two rockets, just hours after a barrage of three rockets exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council, and a mortar shell was fired as well.

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