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svgadminsvgFebruary 1, 2012svgNews

Gaza Rocket Salvo Targets Negev Communities

Gaza terrorists on Wednesday evening launched a slavo of six Qassam rockets at Israel’s southern communities.

All of the rockets landed in open fields in the western Negev. No property damage of physical injuries were reported.

Earlier on Wednesday terrorists in Gaza fired a single Qassam rocket into Israel, which also landed in an open council western Negev.

No property damage of physical injuries were reported in that attack, either.

The attacks are the latest in an uptick of violence emanating from Gaza that began last Friday evening after nearly a month of relative calm.

The spokeswoman said the border area had been used in the past for planting explosives, “thereby endangering the citizens of Israel and the security forces operating in the area.”

The Shejaya area where the shooting took place was the scene of terrorist activity late last Friday night. At approximately 10:50 PM on Friday terrorists opened fire on an IDF watchtower overlooking the fence.

The ambush prompted an IDF raid which resulted in brief clashes. After the raid terrorists fired a rocket at the Israeli community of Nachal Oz. The rocket landed in an empty field.

The following day a flare fired by an Israeli tank to illuminate the area struck a house. No injuries were reported in the incident. 

Earlier on Wednesday, IDF forces wounded a Gaza man who ignored warning shots when approaching the security fence adjacent to Shejaya.

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