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svgadminsvgJanuary 15, 2014svgNews

Gaza Rocket Barrage Targets Ashkelon

Terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza fired a barrage of rockets towards the city of Ashkelon on Wednesday night.

Five of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, which shoots down rockets before they hit populated areas.

Several other rockets may have exploded in open areas. There were no reports of physical injuries or damages. The “Red Alert” rocket siren was sounded prior to the explosions.

Wednesday night’s rocket attack follows several attacks on Monday. Gaza terrorists fired two rockets at the Negev Monday afternoon, several hours after the conclusion of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s funeral.

The rockets exploded in an area north of Sderot. There were no physical injuries and no damage reported.

Two weeks ago, Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft struck several targets in Gaza, hitting a terror infrastructure site in central Gaza and three concealed rocket launchers in northern Gaza. All aircraft safely returned to their bases.

The airstrikes came several hours after a rocket launched by terrorists in the Hamas-ruled territory exploded in one of the communities along the Gaza security fence.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, on Tuesday complained to the Security Council and to the UN Secretary-General over Monday’s rocket fire.

“While a nation grieved its fallen leader, rockets began falling a short distance from the funeral service,” wrote Prosor.

“In recent days, many people recalled the brave and decisive steps Sharon took to strengthen Israel and provide Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with the opportunity to build a better future,” he added, referring to Israel’s unilateral “Disengagement” from Gaza in 2005 which was orchestrated by Sharon.

“Instead, since 2005, Gaza has become a terrorist base used by Hamas to shoot rockets, carry out kidnappings, and launch attacks on Israeli citizens,” wrote Prosor.

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