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svgadminsvgSeptember 14, 2014svgNews

Gaza Man Arrested Infiltrating into Israel

A Gazan man was arrested by Israeli security forces as he attempted to infiltrate into Israel Sunday morning armed with a knife.

The would-be infiltrator was spotted by a security lookout post close to the community of Kibbutz Kisufim, along the border with Gaza.

Guards quickly informed the military, which responded quickly and apprehended the man. He has been taken in for questioning; his motives are not yet known.

The incident comes less than two weeks before a month-long ceasefire between Israel and Gazan terrorists is due to expire.

Hamas has denied reports it is planning to resume fire immediately after the truce deadline on September 25, but most analysts believe it is likely terrorists will renew rocket fire at some point, regardless of progress in talks in Cairo – which currently are seeing little progress.

For his part, Hamas’s leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh has vowed his group will never disarm – one of the key Israeli demands in talks.

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