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svgadminsvgJune 4, 2015svgNews

Gag Order on Huge Development in Corruption Case

Israeli news media are reporting that a major development has taken place in the ongoing investigation against lawyer Ronel Fisher, former Tel Aviv District Attorney Ruth David, and former top police investigator Eran Malka.

However, a court has issued a gag order on any detail about the negotiations being carried out with Malka, and on publication of any detail regarding a pending investigation, “especially regarding any detail that has been collected or the names of additional people who are involved, and who are not included in the charge sheet.”

Malka, Fisher and David were charged three weeks ago on over 12 instances in which Malka gave Fisher sensitive information from investigations that were carried out in the police’s elite Lahav 433 unit. The Police Investigations Department believes that Fisher would approach people who were being investigated by police, offering them information about the investigation in return for financial bribes.

There have been rumors that the case – possibly the worst of its kind since Israel’s establishment – also involves one or two judges, and police officers even more senior than Malka.

Fisher has been under arrest since April. He is suspected of using his influence with senior police officers, some of whom he represented in court, to provide clients with information about ongoing investigations against them.

David reportedly had a working relationship with Fisher. She is suspected of assisting Fisher in attempts to coordinate testimony between various suspects and witnesses. According to Haaretz, the suspicions against her also date back to the time when she was the Tel Aviv Chief Prosecutor.

As an attorney, she has been involved in some of the highest-profile cases in the last decade, and her arrest is seen as earth-shattering in terms of the Israeli legal world.

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