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svgadminsvgJanuary 28, 2012svgNews

French Tourist Gunned Down in Sinai

Egyptian security officials reported a Bedouin man shot and killed a French tourist Saturday in the Sinai, in an apparent act of retribution after clashes with police.

According to the online Egyptian Independent, Alexander Crister, 42, suffered multiple gunshot wounds after a man, distraught over the death of his relative in an anti-drugs raid, opened fire at random toward tourists.

Yousef Abu Khashm died and three policemen sustained injuries in a series of raids on areas suspected to be linked with the narcotics trade in Hay Bader, Toshky and al-Tour, the police confirmed.

The wounded police officers were identified as Mohammad Basioni, 30, Ahmad Hassan, 23, and Saad Muhammad. An unspecified number of suspects were arrested in the raids.

Egyptian authorities have struggled to maintain stability in the Sinai since the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak on 11 April 2011.

Local Bedouin tribes, many of them affiliated with Al Qaeda and other terror groups, have staged repeated terror attacks on the peninsula.Sinai terrorists have targeted the natural gas pipeline that feeds Israel and Jordan at least a dozen times since Mubarak’s fall. The most recent pipeline attack occured last Friday.

They have also staged a raid on a police headquarters in El Arish and driven through the streets of the town firing at civilians.

Bedouin tribes have been heavily involved in smuggling illegal African immigrants and drugs into Israel, and in aiding Gaza terror groups seeking to mount cross-border raids into the Jewish state. One such attack in 2011 resulted in 8 Israelis being killed when terrorists crossed into Israel and ambushed a civilian bus near Eilat.

Israeli security officials have repeatedly issued terror warnings cautioning its citizens not to vacation in Sinai in recent years.

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