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svgadminsvgNovember 14, 2013svgNews

Four Arrested as Hundreds Demand Action After Soldier’s Murder

Hundreds of people were protesting at the main entrance to Jerusalem Thursday afternoon, demanding more security in the wake of the murder of IDF soldier Eden Atias Hy”d Wednesday. One woman was arrested for disorderly conduct, after shouting anti-Arab slogans. Three other people were also arrested.

Atias, 19, died Wednesday after an Arab terrorist stabbed him in the neck and upper body on a bus at Afula’s Central Bus Station. The assailant, just 16, is a Palestinian Authority resident from Jenin who is reported to have been illegally staying in Northern Israel.

Demonstrators at the spontaneous protest in Jerusalem demanded that the IDF root out terrorists. Several protesters tried to block traffic, and police tried to break up the demonstration, which did not have a permit. The Jerusalem protest followed numerous other protests Wednesday night, in Jerusalem, Afula, and other cities, demanding action against terrorists. Atias was interred at the military cemetery in his hometown of Upper Nazareth (Natzrat Illit) Wednesday night.

Protesters called on the government to halt plans to release another 26 terrorists in a deal with the PA. Several months ago, Israel promised the U.S. that it would release over 100 Arab terrorist murderers, a “gesture” to encourage the PA to return to the negotiating table.

A military court on Thursday extended the remand of the terrorist who killed Atias. He will be held until at least next Monday. Officials plan to ask the court to allow them to keep the terrorist in custody until the end of proceedings against him.

A building was set on fire late Wednesday night in the Palestinian Authority Arab town of Sinjil, in the Binyamin region. The building was painted with the words, “Hi from Eden – Revenge,” leading security forces to believe the arson attack was carried out in response to the murder Wednesday of Atias. Five residents of Sinjil suffered injuries due to smoke inhalation. The property was damaged.

Photos: Hezki Ezra


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