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svgadminsvgSeptember 17, 2014svgNews

Foul Play Suspected as Builder Plunges 11 Floors to His Death

Twenty-four (24) hours after construction worker Nathaniel Ro’i Arami, 27, fell to his death from the eleventh floor of a Petah Tikva construction site, it is still unclear what happened in his final moments. 

Arami, a husband and father of two children under the age of two, was from the Achiezer Moshav in the Shefela (Coastal) region. His wife is expecting their third child. 

The few details known about the event so far, according to Walla! News, hint that Arami’s fall may not have been accidental. Armi worked at the site along with fellow worker Liron Ovadiah in the hours before the fall, according to the daily, and was first noticed to have been missing after he did not show up for a planned ride home. One worker returned to the construction site to search for him and found him laying dead on the ground. 

Both Arami and Ovadiah were to close the vent caps of the security rooms spread along the length of the building, which is being built on Shraga Naftali Street. Due to the complexity in assembling the building’s scaffolding, contractors have asked the workers to put up the structure using abseiling, or a form of rappelling along the outside of the building. 

For several hours they worked on the site, and were due to end at 5:00 pm. At that time, Arami – hanging from cables on the 11th floor via a harness – asked his employees to prepare for the end of the day and pack up.  

After the fall, and after he was was found lifeless on the ground, Arami’s colleagues called an ambulance, but the Portable Intensive Care Unit at the scene pronounced him dead shortly thereafter.

Arami’s funeral was held at 5:00 pm in the Segula Cemetery in Petah Tikva Wednesday, Arutz Sheva has learned, and posters announcing Arami’s death suggest that he had been “murdered.” 

Work was halted at the construction site Wednesday, as an investigation as to whether a structural or building flaw led to the fall continues. The project, “Cardin 4U,” is being built by Danya from Africa Israel – and was in its final stages. Now, it is unclear when work will resume – even after tenants were due to move into the building within a matter of weeks. 

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