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svgadminsvgSeptember 18, 2014svgNews

Former Tourism Minister Accused of Bribe-Taking

Former Minister of Tourism, Stas Misezhnikov, is being investigated over charges of bribery, it was revealed Thursday. Misezhnikov, a Yisrael Beteinu minister who served in the last government, is accused of accepting gifts in order to throw contracts to tour operators and other service providers.

Misezhnikov is said to have accepted millions of shekels in bribes, in cash and in kind. The specific charges were not announced Thursday. The former minister is set to be called in for questioning in the coming days.

Already being questioned is Yuli Roth, an associate of Misezhnikov’s who deputy director of the Fashion TV channel. Police did not say what connection, if any, Roth had to the investigation of Misezhnikov.

Misezhnikov was Tourism Minister between 2009 and 2013. The investigation was started several months ago after inconsistencies surfaced in the 2013 State Comptroller’s report, police said.

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