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svgadminsvgApril 27, 2015svgNews

First IDF Aircraft Lands in Nepal

The first aircraft of the Israeli delegation to Nepal landed on Monday evening at the airport in Kathmandu.

The El Al Boeing 747 aircraft contains 200 people, including medical staff and officers from the Home Front Command. Four additional Israeli airplanes are set to land in Kathmandu in the coming hours.

The commander of the Israeli delegation, Col. Yoram Lardo, said that the members of the delegation have three main tasks: rescuing victims of last week’s earthquake, setting up a field hospital and finding Israelis with whom contact was lost following the tragedy.

Earlier on Monday, the first planeload of Israeli surrogate babies stranded in Nepal after Saturday’s devastating earthquake arrived in Israel.

The IDF military plane, which touched down at the Nevatim airbase in the early hours of the morning, was carrying three young babies and eight other family members.

Immediately after arriving two passengers – a father and his infant child, and a 24-year-old man who was injured in the earthquake – were transported to the Soroka hospital in Be’er Sheva for medical checks.

A second airplane carrying more of the Israeli babies and their families stranded in Nepal landed in Israel on Monday afternoon.

Despite the successful evacuations, the military says a number of premature Israeli babies still remain in Nepal in serious condition, and require urgent evacuation and medical treatment.

Meanwhile, many stranded Israelis have found refuge in the Chabad House in Kathmandu, which is managed by Rabbi Hezki and Chani Lifshitz.

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