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svgadminsvgJanuary 16, 2015svgNews

Final Jewish Home List Released

The final Jewish Home party list has been released Friday, after all of the votes from some 43,890 voters were counted. 

The list reveals small changes in comparison to the 90% vote list released Thursday. Walla! News editor Yinon Magal is now #6 instead of #7, trading places with Uri Orbach; Motti Yogev has moved up two spots, and is now #8 instead of and Shuli Muallem-Refaeli dropped from #8 to #10.

As such, the current list is as follows: 

1. Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home chairman)

2. Uri Ariel (Tekuma chairman) 

3. Ayelet Shaked

4. Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan

5. Nissan Slomiansky

6. Yinon Magal

7. Uri Orbach

8. Motti Yogev

9. Bezalel Smotrich

10. Shuli Muallem-Refaeli

11. Avi Wortzman

12. Nir Orbach

13. Rabbi Avichai Rontzky

14. Orit Struk

15. Yehudit Shilat

16. Ronen Shoval

17.  Avichai Boaron

18. Zevulun Kalfa

19. Moshe Salomon

20. Danny Dayan 

While the list is the final listing of candidates according to vote count, several of the places reserved for specific members may be subject to change at Bennett’s discretion. According to the Jewish Home bylaws, Bennett has the authority to appoint three people of his own choosing to the first 20 spots – possibly bumping down candidates to an unrealistic position on the list. 

Spot #15 was reserved for a female candidate, and is widely expected to be filled by Yehudit Shilat, who edged up the list over fellow candidate Sarah Eliash by just 300 votes. However, the appointment is not final. 

Several polls released Thursday and Friday predict that Jewish Home will gain anywhere between 15-18 seats in the 20th Knesset; the party may gain 1-2 more seats based on its “surplus vote” agreement with Likud. 

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