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svgadminsvgFebruary 4, 2016svgNews

Fatah praises three murderers of policewoman as ‘role models’

The Fatah movement of Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has praised the three terrorists who murdered 19-year-old Border Policewomen Hadar Cohen, in a shooting and stabbing attack at Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate on Wednesday.

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reports that Fatah published a picture of the three terrorists, Ahmed Abu Al-Rub, Ahmad Zakarneh, and Mohammed Kmeil from the village of Qabatiya in the Jenin district, on its official Facebook page praising their actions: “They were three men who competed with each other for (Martyrdom) death. Their feet were raised above the hangman’s neck. They became role models across the length and breadth of the homeland.”

An official PA TV newscaster opened his Wednesday night report by praising the terrorists: “Three young people died as Martyrs (Shahids) from the occupation’s bullets at Damascus Gate in the center of occupied Jerusalem; At the same time, an Israeli soldier was killed and four additional (people) were injured by gunfire and an attempted stabbing.”

Moreover, the father of terrorist Mohammed Kmeil spoke in an official PA TV news report and expressed joy over his son’s “death as a Martyr.”

Mohamed Abu Ju’ab, a Fatah “activist” from the Qabatiya area described the events as “A cold blooded execution by the occupation. It is all a result of the occupation sitting on ‘our chests’ and a response by our young people – Qabatiya is familiar with sacrifice, we have 10 Martyrs in the town. Praise Allah, Master of the World, the whole town eulogizes them, in the name of all of Palestine, in the name of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and in the name of Jerusalem.”

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