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svgadminsvgMay 21, 2016svgNews

Far left protests ‘the most dangerous government ever’

Hundreds of far leftists held a protest on Saturday night at Tel Aviv’s Habima Square, demonstrating against MK Avigdor Liberman being appointed Defense Minister as part of his Yisrael Beytenu party joining the coalition government.

Present at the protest was MK Tamar Zandberg (Meretz), former Labor MK Yael Dayan, chairperson of Meretz’s management Ori Zachi – and counter-protesting the radical leftists, nationalist rap star Yoav Eliasi, better known by his stage name Hatzel.

The leftist protesters bore signs reading “Liberman is a fascist,” “the disaster government, we don’t want any more victims,” and “Liberman is war minister.”

Invitations to the protest posted on Facebook read: “how much more will we pay in blood over the lowly political games of Netanyahu? How much more will we give up on our state for the insanity of Liberman? We can’t let Netanyahu do as he pleases anymore. We can’t let the most dangerous right-wing government of all time continue to ruin, destroy, and sow hate and fear.”

“The state of Israel is being destroyed, any chance for a better life in peace, coexistence, (and) honor are disappearing under the wicked government,” continued the invitation.

Elad Wolf and Bar Gisin, two of the far left organizers of the event, told Walla that “the time has come to wake up the state of Israel.”

“The ground is burning, this right-wing government is the most dangerous Israeli government. We must stop this huge snowball before it will be too late. The Israeli public is sick of Netanyahu’s cynical survival games and the threats and incitement of Liberman and (Naftali) Bennett. We have no confidence in them, not in their sincerity and certainly not in their policy.”

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