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svgadminsvgJune 2, 2015svgNews

Fabius: ‘Good Chance’ For a Deal with Iran

France’s foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, said on Monday he believes there is a good chance that world powers will reach a deal with Iran curbing its nuclear activities, The Associated Press (AP) reported.

At the same time, Fabius said he insists on sufficient access to Iran’s military facilities for international inspections.

Speaking to reporters, the French minister said that an accord “must be perceived as sufficiently robust.”

Still, asked whether he thinks a deal will be achieved, Fabius said, “Probably yes.”

Iran and the six world powers are holding ongoing discussions aimed at turning a preliminary deal into a permanent one by a June 30 deadline.

The sides made a major breakthrough at talks with Iran on April 2 by agreeing on the parameters for a final deal to scale back its nuclear capabilities, but still have a series of technical issues to resolve by the looming deadline.

Last week Fabius made clear that France will not sign off on a deal with Iran if it rules out inspections of its military sites as part of the final agreement.

“France will not accept a deal if it is not clear that inspections can be done at all Iranian installations, including military sites,” he said.

“Yes to an agreement, but not to an agreement that will enable Iran to have the atomic bomb. That is the position of France, which is independent and peaceful,” Fabius added.

Fabius previously said Iran wants 24 days’ notice before international inspectors could visit its nuclear sites, and warned against that move, saying “a lot of things can disappear” in 24 days.

Iran has categorically denied reports that it would allow inspectors as part of a final deal, describing them as mere rumors and as wrong interpretations of the understanding reached in early April in Switzerland.

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