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svgadminsvgNovember 25, 2014svgNews

EU Extends Iran Sanctions Relief

The European Union (EU) on Tuesday announced it has extended sanctions relief for Iran until next June 30, after nuclear talks were extended from their deadline this Monday to next July 1 – and as Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei crowed that the EU and US had failed to stop his country from achieving nuclear power.

In the announcement, the Council of the EU clarified it was extending the suspension of sanctions which would allow the transportation of Iranian crude oil for sales, the import and transport of Iranian petrochemical products, along with gold and precious metals trade with the Iranian government.

In addition, the move allowing higher thresholds for financial transfers to and from Iran continues to remain in effect.

The European concessions come as Khamenei told clerics on Tuesday “on the nuclear issue, the United States and European colonialist countries gathered and applied their entire efforts to bring the Islamic Republic to its knees but they could not and they will not.”

Khamenei has on numerous occasions threatened to destroy Israel.

The Iranian leader’s words echo those of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who on Monday said “our nation has emerged victorious and will be victorious. We have neither compromised over Iran’s nuclear rights, nor will ever do so, and there is no doubt that the Iranian nuclear technology will remain functioning.”

Iran’s parliament echoed that mood, with vice-chariman of the parliament Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabifard saying the US is not trustworthy because it “sacrifices” national interests for Israel, but that extended nuclear talks were nevertheless a good things.

MPs responded to his statement by chanting “Down with America,” reports Associated Press.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) this month revealed Iran is not abiding by interim conditions in refusing to answer questions on the military aspects of its nuclear program. 

In the talks Iran is demanding to retain enough centrifuges to build 38 atomic bombs every year, a proposition raising fears of a regional nuclear arms race with such countries as Saudi Arabia, which could turn to Sunni allies such as Pakistan for nuclear weapons capabilities.

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