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svgadminsvgMay 19, 2016svgNews

EgyptAir: Debris was not that of crashed plane

Despite earlier reports, search crews have not found wreckage from EgyptAir flight MS804, which crashed early Thursday morning in what could be a terrorist attack, CNN reported.

EgyptAir’s Vice Chairman Ahmed Adel confirmed to the network that the debris found earlier in the Mediterranean Sea is not from Flight 804.

“We stand corrected on finding the wreckage because what we identified is not a part of our plane. So the search and rescue is still going on,” he said.

The Airbus A320 carrying 56 passengers and 10 crew and security officers disappeared early Thursday over the Mediterranean as it flew from Paris to Cairo.

It was flying at 37,000ft when it disappeared from the radar at 2:29 a.m.

However, Egyptian authorities revealed the plane emitted emergency signals some two hours later. At around the same time, sailors in a ship in the Mediterranean claimed they saw a massive fireball streaking through the sky.

Egypt’s civil aviation authority confirmed a mid-air explosion had occurred, and after initially saying they weren’t ruling any causes out admitted that a terrorist attack was more likely the cause than a technical failure.

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos told reporters the doomed flight had “turned 90 degrees left and then a 360-degree turn to the right,” before plunging more than 25,000ft and disappearing from the radar.

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