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svgadminsvgMay 23, 2016svgNews

Egypt TV guest calls for death squads to kill, mutilate Israelis

The precise cause of the tragic crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 is still yet to be determined, as investigators hunt for the Airbus A320’s black boxes.

But while Islamic terrorism is widely believed to be the most likely cause, Egyptian political commentator Nabih Al-Wahsh believes he knows precisely who downed the plan: yes, you guessed it, Israel.

And in an interview with Egypt’s Al-Asseema TV on May 20, Al Wahsh proscribed how, in his view, Egypt should react to the crash.

“All the evidence indicates that the filthy Zionist entity is behind the (EgyptAir) plane crash, and time will prove me right,” he said, in comments translated by MEMRI. 

“They used a missile,” he insisted, before launching into a violent rant – to the obvious discomfort of his host.

“I call upon any Egyptian or Arab man who comes across an Israeli person, to kill him and mutilate his body,” he shouted, over the host’s vain attempts to urge him “not to call for violence.”

“I take full responsibility for saying this,” the irate Al Wahsh shot back.

He then went on to detail how Israel allegedly “exported AIDS into Egypt, as well as aphrodisiac bubblegum, and all kinds of catastrophes.”

Al Wahsh, who is a lawyer by trade, said he filed a lawsuit four years ago to annul Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel – alas, to no avail.

For good measure, he then offered a slightly more concrete plan of action to deal with the EgyptAir crisis.

“I call to form death squads that will hunt down any Israeli, anywhere in the world,” he declared, while also calling for a “parliamentary inquiry.”

Al Wahsh also claimed to know the real reason behind the resignation of Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon.

According to him, Ya’alon was forced to resign after he “protested the downing of the plane.”

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