The Deputy Minister of Regional Cooperation MK Ayoub Kara (Likud) called for participants in the deadly lynching of an ambulance carrying Syrian refugees to repent and be willing to accept punishment for their actions.
On Monday, a 22-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman from Majdal Shams in northern Israel were indicted for murdering a wounded Syrian and critically injuring another in late June.
Kara, who informally represents the Israeli Druze community in the Knesset, expressed regret for the incident on Tuesday in a special interview on Arutz Sheva.
“We must respect the rules of the law even if we don’t like them,” Kara stressed. “Those who live within our borders must accept the rules.”
He said rioters knew that some members of Hamas and Israel’s enemies are arriving in Israeli hospitals in dire need, and that Israel revives them and returns them to normal life as a reflection of its value on human life.
“I trust the courts to bring justice and truth,” Kara said, adding that nothing justifies the lynching.
However, “you have to understand that this is a different culture,” he said. “On the other side there is no value for human life.”
He also noted that the problem was less the lynching itself, but more the attack on an IDF ambulance.
“I would strengthen them [the attackers – ed.] if they [the victims – ed.] were fighting in ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front, but were not being brought in an IDF ambulance,” he noted. “I would back them [the attackers – ed.] up, but when it comes to an IDF ambulance – nobody touches them. Someone will have to answer for this.”
Kara called on all involved to admit their mistake – but also warned that Israel must fight ISIS.
“We are not weak heroes,” he said. “We should be able to fight the enemy of humanity that is ISIS.”
“If that had happened [without IDF involvement – ed.] I would back them,” he added.
“I keep the law in my country, I safeguard the idea of living in a free country which maintains order,” he continued. “We should respect state laws. If we sinned we should admit this and ask for mercy, but then at least get up and say that this never needed to have happened.”
Kara also accepted the backlash against him for – by and large – accepting the state’s decision to indict the two, which has been seen by some as an attack on the Israeli Druze community.
“The easiest thing is to lead the flock,” he said. “The trick is to go in the right direction.”