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svgadminsvgJune 23, 2015svgNews

Druze ‘Lynching’ on IDF Ambulance Tipped Off by Soldier?

In the last day the IDF has been investigating the Israeli Druze attack on an IDF ambulance Monday night, and dramatic new revelations indicate a possible betrayal from within the army.

In the incident Druze residents of the Golan Heights murdered a Syrian national who was being brought for treatment, and likewise critically wounded another Syrian in addition to lightly wounding the two soldiers in the ambulance.

The Hebrew-language Channel 2 reports that the investigation has raised suspicions that the Druze youths received information about the Syrian wounded from an IDF soldier.

It was also found that the soldiers tried to physically defend the Syrian wounded with their bodies while trying to calm the Druze assailants.

Israeli Druze have accused Israel of providing medical treatment to jihadist rebels, who have carried out massacres against Druze in Syria. Both Israel and the IDF have strenuously denied providing medical care to terrorists.

Several Druze communities in the Golan Heights from which the attack emanated are loyal to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, further intensifying their animosity to wounded Syrian rebels.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded to the incident on Tuesday, saying, “we will not allow anyone to take the law into their own hands. We will not let anyone interfere with IDF soldiers in their mission. We’ll find the perpetrators of the lynching and we will bring them to justice. We are a lawful state, not part of the anarchy around us.”

Druze leaders widely condemned the attack overnight Monday as “serious and unnecessary,” even as Druze residents of the Golan town of Majdal Shams celebrated it.

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