Disgraced former London mayor claims to be Jewish



Ken Livingstone, the former mayor of London who caused an uproar saying that Hitler was “supporting Zionism” at first, now claims that he may be Jewish.

He recently spoke with the Jewish Chronicle, which began by asking the politician to name a Jewish friend.

“[The late MP] Greville Janner used to drive me home from the House of Commons at night,” said Livingstone. “We would chat away about the Middle East. He would speculate about whether or not I was Jewish because my grandmother’s name was Zona.”

The JC did not point out to Mr. Livingstone that, while Zona is a recognized name in Greek and Serbian, it means “prostitute” in Hebrew. Few Jewish parents name their children Zona.

He continued: “I have lots of Jewish friends and I always have. I have had members of the Board of Deputies round for parties.”

Furthermore, Livingstone says that random Jews in his neighborhood tell him to keep describing Hitler as a Zionist supporter. “They tell me they’re Jewish. They say: ‘We know what you said was true, don’t give in.’”

When he refused to apologize or retract his remarks on Hitler, the Labour Party suspended the former mayor’s party membership.


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