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svgadminsvgMay 12, 2015svgNews

Defense Ministry Demolishes Buildings in Tekoa

Security forces arrived Tuesday to the town of Tekoa in Gush Etzion and began destroying buildings deemed illegal, residents told Arutz ShevaDefense Minister Moshe Ya’alon ordered the demolition of two buildings in the town Monday night.

The community was surprised to hear about Ya’alon’s intention to demolish buildings that were occupied until very recently. A careful examination of the arguments of the Civil Administration shows that the structures were built on land that has not been used in the past.

The community added that the Gush Etzion Regional Council presented aerial photographs proving that this is not a private area  but barren, rocky soil on which the buildings were built. The Council also said that, in the event a legal team investigating the grounds for demolition bans construction on the site, the Council would take care that the structures were moved elsewhere.

Regional Council chairman David Perl said that the demolition of the building, while small, is a blemish on incoming government, and the public that elected Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for a fourth term.

He slammed Ya’alon for not allowing ten days of a grace period for the investigative team, which was already in the middle of determining the legality of their site, to conclude their findings.

“The demolition exercise at this time blunts the edge of the strength of the team noticed even before it was built,” said Pearl.

Arutz Sheva has turned to the Defense Ministry for a formal response on the issue, but none has been received.

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