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svgadminsvgJune 1, 2016svgNews

Danon: We declared war on BDS at the UN General Assembly

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon spoke to Arutz Sheva on the sidelines of the Building Bridges Not Boycotts international summit at the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday, terming the anti-BDS boycott movement conference an “historic event.”

Danon noted that over 2,000 “Jewish students and Christians came together in order to speak on behalf of the state of Israel” at the event, which in an unusual step was held at the General Assembly hall and sought to teach methods of confronting anti-Israel efforts.

The Ambassador said the event highlights the fight against BDS on college campuses, at courts of law, and in the UN itself.

“The enemies of Israel today saw that we are here in order to fight, that we are here in order to win,” he said, declaring, “we will defeat BDS.”

Danon’s UN conference came after a landmark poll found that a full 33% of Americans back a boycott of Israel as being justifiable, in a troubling sign of shifting support in the US. A similar poll in the UK found that a full 40% back a boycott of Israel.

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