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svgadminsvgNovember 19, 2015svgNews

Danon: Security Council must not turn a blind eye to terror

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, on Thursday called on the President of the Security Council, Matthew Rycroft, to condemn the deadly campaign of terror against the State of Israel.

The letter from Danon to Rycroft came after two more terrorist attacks in Israel: One in Tel Aviv in which two Jewish people were stabbed to death, and a second attack in Gush Etzion in which two Jews were murdered, as well as a Palestinian Arab killed accidentally by the terrorists.

Ambassador Danon noted in his letter that such horrendous acts of terror are a direct result of the malicious incitement and violent rhetoric coming from the Palestinian Authority, and stated that the terror attacks which took place Thursday mark the bloodiest day since the start of the current wave of terror against Israelis which began two months ago.

“Terror is terror is terror,” said Ambassador Danon. “If the Security Council chooses to turn a blind eye and fails to condemn such attacks, it will legitimize terror and increase the chances of further attacks and more fatalities in the future. The Security Council must condemn these horrific attacks against innocent civilians and call on the Palestinian Authority to put an end to this culture of terror once and for all.”

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