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admin May 20, 2016 News

Crowdfund Israel’s Future 18 Premier Israeli Organizations Unite

The fireworks celebrating Israel’s Independence may have stopped. But our fire to strengthen Israel has only been ignited further. Now is the time for us to follow in the footsteps of our country’s founders and to make this a time of action and unity.

Beyond the celebrations of our country’s independence, this is a profound moment for us to unify and strengthen Israel.

That is why 18 premier Israeli non-profits have banded together to form the iAm Israel Campaign hosted by CauseMatch.

Lasting until June 9th, these 18 charities have each launched significant fundraising campaigns through the interactive crowdfunding website, CauseMatch. Each respective organization has a matching gift that is triggered if the campaign reaches its goal. The cumulative total of the 18 organizations is $3,000,000, making this one of the largest collaborative philanthropic efforts in Jewish history.

Embedded within the missions of all 18 organizations is a commitment to strengthen Israel and her citizens.

“Especially as tensions across the Jewish world grow, we wanted to rally the global Jewish community around the one thing that we can all agree upon: we need a strong Israel,” said Joseph Bornstein, CEO and Founder of Cause Match. “Each of the 18 organizations has a proven track record in making Israel a better, safer, stronger country. And now, they’re turning to the Jewish world for help.”

The participating organizations include: American Friends of Magen David Adom, Birthright Israel, Brothers For Life, Dream Doctors, HaBayit shel Benji, HaBoydem, Israel 365, METIV, Save a Child’s Heart, Shurat HaDin, StandWithUs, the Israel Project, the Koby Mandell Foundation, the Summit Institute, United Hatzalah, United With Israel, Yishuv Eli, and Zichron Menachem.

“Being a part of this campaign is important for several reasons,” Bornstein continues. “Donors’ generous contributions are going directly to fund this story of Israel that needs to be told. But just as importantly, we are standing shoulder to shoulder with these other organizations. We are all in this together. We all want to see Israel grow and flourish.”

The iAmIsrael Campaign aims to unite Israel’s supporters worldwide, from the largest donors to the smallest. Because the matching grant only kicks if a campaign goal is reached, every dollar counts.

“We know the power that these matching grants have,” Bornstein said. “They give individual donors the chance to literally double their impact. Donating when a matching grant is on the line leverages donors’ gifts. It inspires them to give and to give more than they otherwise would.”

Donors have the option of giving to one, some, or all of the 18 organizations participating. Throughout the duration of the campaign, the iAmIsrael website will feature each of the 18 different organizations to provide donors a better understanding of what their donations can help accomplish.

The iAmIsrael Campaign will conclude on June 9 after giving pro-Israel activists around the globe a shared space to support some of the best organizations working to strengthen Israel, the Jewish people, and the world.

For more information about the iAmIsrael Campaign and Cause Match, please visit

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