A member on the Ra’anana municipality, Adit Diamant, is using the Facebook page for Meretz to call for a boycott against a restaurant that recently became kosher and now is closed on Shabbat.
The post reads: “Beginning this weekend, the River Restaurant in Ra’anana became kohser and closes on Friday and Saturday. From what I understood, this is important to the new owners. As a long-time customer of the restaurant, and because very few restaurants in Ra’anana are open on Friday night and even fewer do delivery, I am personally harmed by this change and intend to completely avoid patronizing the restaurant, even on other days. I call on all those who care about this issue to act like me. It is important for the free public in Ra’anana to express its opinion and to vote with its feet if we want someone to care about our needs. Adit Diament.”
The post was soon met with angry responses, even fro Meretz supporters. Nitai Shinanson, a fellow Meretz member, wrote: “As a member of the Meretz party, I express my opposition and revulsion to this disgusting post, every time that a location decides to become kosher and to offer its services to the religious community is praiseworthy. Every business that decides to rest on our traditionally-accepted day of rest is legitimate, and I will wish them a good day of rest and Shabbat Shalom.”
The senior journalist Dan Margalit wrote on Twitter: “It’s unbelievable. A member of the Ra’anana municipality from Meretz, Adit Diamant, called for punishing a restaurant that became kosher and for not going to it during the week. It’s a system of madness.”