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svgadminsvgAugust 8, 2016svgNews

Could hackers derail Clinton’s White House dream?

When FBI Director James Comey announced in July that the agency would not recommend charges be filed against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Clinton campaign staff and Democratic National Committee officials breathed a collective sigh of relief.

An indictment of Mrs. Clinton over her mishandling of classified government material on her private server would have upended a race that according to most polls and predictions markets, has been hers to lose.

But while the threat of a criminal indictment has passed, Clinton and Democratic Party officials have another fear intruding into what should be an optimistic election cycle – hacked emails. With then-Secretary of State Clinton’s private server vulnerable to hacks, the possibility that foreign agents acquired material that could upend the election will continue to hang over the head of the Clinton campaign like a digital Sword of Damocles.

After WikiLeaks released thousands of hacked DNC emails on the eve of the party’s convention in Philadelphia, Democratic insiders are increasingly concerned that something much bigger may be in the offing.

The WikiLeaks email dump, which exposed the party’s efforts to bar insurgent candidate Bernie Sanders from the nomination and ensure a Clinton victory, led to the resignation of senior Democratic officials, including DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Julian Assange, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, has pledged to release more material from the DNC and Hillary Clinton, signaling the worst may yet to come for the former First Lady and her campaign.

Speaking to RT on Saturday, Assange gave a sneak preview at some of the upcoming leaks.

For instance, Assange stated that the US, during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, used Libya to transfer weapons clandestinely to jihadist groups operating in Syria.

“The US government at the times when Hillary Clinton was in charge of the foreign policy did use Libya as a conduit to get arms to jihadists in Syria.”

Assange also claims that a foreign corporation which allegedly struck “business deal” with the ISIS terror group had a “long-term relationship” with Clinton and donated to the Clinton Foundation.

“La Farge… [a] giant transnational concrete company was involved in Syria. There are more than 350 La Farge related emails in our Syria emails release. The investigations by Le Monde reveals that they paid ISIS money, taxes for their operations in certain areas, were engaged in a variety of business deals with ISIS.”

“Money from La Farge in 2015 and 2016 went to Hillary Clinton foundation. There is actually a long-term relationship between La Farge and Clinton; she was a member of the board.”

But WikiLeaks is not the only potential spoiler in the race. Foreign hackers like “Guccifer 2.0” boast of stealing documents from the Clinton server during her tenure in the State Department.

Democrats have pointed to Russia, charging the former Cold War rival of tipping the scales in favor of Donald Trump, a charge Russia has denied.

Even if Clinton wins the White House this November, her email woes could well continue into her presidency, draining her political capital and drawing attention away from her agenda.

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