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svgadminsvgJune 24, 2016svgNews

Closure order for PA channel operating in Israel

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) has signed an ordered banning the Arab media channel Musawa, which is funded by the Palestinian Authority and operates within the State of Israel.

“I will not allow any attack on the State of Israel’s sovereignty or a Palestinian Authority foothold inside of the country,” he said.

About a year ago, Erdan signed an order to close the channel Palestine 48. Police and security agencies then received information that the channel resumed its activities under the new name of Musawa. Musawa’s current director headed Palestine 48 until last year.

Musawa’s programs are recorded in Nazareth and then sent to Ramallah for editing.

The Minister decided to sign the closure order after he was informed that the channel is working on the PA’s behalf and under its protection while in the State of Israel. Such foreign bodies are required to have written permission to operate in Israel, which Musawa does not possess.

Once the order was delivered to the station, the channel ceased its broadcasts.

The order also stated that the Musawa is not permitted to operate anywhere inside of Israel. It is valid for six months from the time of the signature.

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