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svgadminsvgJanuary 22, 2012svgNews

Clinton: Iran’s Provocations Put it in a Dangerous Path

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday commented on Iran’s nuclear program as well as its latest provocations regarding the Strait of Hormuz.

“We’re making it clear to Iran that its pursuit of nuclear weapons and its needless provocations, such as its threat regarding the Straits of Hormuz, place it on a dangerous path,” Clinton told reporters following a meeting with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle.

“Iran does have a choice to make,” she emphasized. “It can come back to the table, as we have consistently made clear to them, and address the nuclear program concerns that the international community rightly has or face increasing pressure and isolation.”

Clinton noted that the U.S. does not seek a conflict with the Islamic Republic and that it believes “the people of Iran deserve a better future.” She added that Iranians can have that future only if their government stops seeking nuclear weapons.

On Friday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned that any foreign military intervention against Iran’s nuclear program would trigger “war and chaos” across the Middle East and beyond, and said that harsher sanctions must be placed on the Islamic Republic.

This week, Iran scoffed sanctions by Western countries, saying there is a high demand for Iran’s crude oil supplies and Tehran has no problem maintaining exports.

Iranian Ambassador to South Korea, Ahmad Masoumifar, shrugged off Iran’s shrinking pools of customers, saying “we (Iran) are producing about 80 million barrels [of oil] and there is demand for about 90 million.”

The European Union is set to meet on Monday to consider joining the effort to strengthen the embargo against Iran in hopes of convincing its government to scale back, if not entirely halt its nuclear development programs.

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