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svgadminsvgAugust 7, 2016svgNews

Citation for IDF’s ‘Duvdevan’ unit for outstanding service

Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot has approved a recommendation by the General Staff citation committee to award a citation to the ‘Duvdevan’ unit for its outstanding service over the past year.

“Duvdevan” (Hebrew for cherry tree) is an elite IDF unit that specializes in covert operations behind enemy lines, often employing disguises as Arabs.

The unit has been engaged in constant and protracted operations in the Judea and Samaria and Central regions over the past year. ‘Duvdevan’ participated in hundreds of operations in adverse conditions, with the objectives of capturing wanted terrorists, foiling planned attacks, and destroying terror infrastructures.

‘Duvdevan’ has also developed and deployed new combat methods that greatly improved the effectiveness and capabilities of the undercover counter-terrorism soldier.

The citation will be awarded to the unit’s officers and soldiers for having shown commitment, bravery, creativity, and initiative in their missions.


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