Pro-Israel Christian groups are preparing to plan out the fight against Christian anti-Semitism at a special forum at the UN Headquarters in New York on the issue next Tuesday.
At the forum, which is sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Israel, Palau and Cyprus, both Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) and the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC) – which represents over 40 million Christians worldwide – will speak out against anti-Semitism.
Making their presence all the more powerful is that a special emphasis is to be placed on Christian anti-Semitism, given the approaching 50th anniversary of the Catholic Church’s Nostra Aetate decision that canceled claims that Jews killed Jesus, and called on the Church to fight anti-Semitism.
“The Catholic Church denounced anti-Semitism and deicide five decades ago, yet millions of Christians still believe the heresy of Replacement Theology, believing that the Jewish people are no longer the inheritors of the Covenant and that the Land does not belong to all Israel,” said Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of PJTN and a Special UN Envoy for WCICC.
“This is unacceptable and must be condemned in the strongest terms possible,” she added. “PJTN will continue to act as a firewall around our Jewish brethren, as it is, and always was, our Biblical duty to stand with the State of Israel and the Jewish People. ‘Never again’ isn’t just an empty statement- it is something that needs to be worked on daily.”
The forum is to be attended by numerous ambassadors, diplomats, clergymen as well as members of the public, and aside from giving facts and figures it will discuss how Christians can help fight the threat to Jews at the UN.
Featured speakers will include Cardoza-Moore, President Founder of WCICC Archbishop Dr. John Lupoli, Palau Ambassador Dr. Caleb Otto, Institute For The Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy President and Founder Dr. Charles Asher Small, Rabbi Dr. Analia Bortz, Journalist and Consultant on Latin American anti-Semitism Sammy Eppel, and Alex Grobman, author of “License to Murder: The Enduring Threat of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
Those wishing to attend the forum are required to register by this Saturday. It will take place at the UN HQ in New York from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Room CB-1B-CR01.