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svgadminsvgMay 11, 2012svgNews

Chabad Rallies Children for Lag Ba’Omer

Thousands of children from around Israel took part in rallies Thursday led by the Chabad Chassidic movement in honor of Lag Ba’Omer. In Tel Aviv several hundred children marched on King George Street under the slogan, “All Children of Israel Together.”

Children from all walks of life took part. Chabad schoolchildren walked alongside secular, traditional and religious-Zionist children.

Young Chabad volunteers led the children in chanting prayers and Jewish-themed cheers, including verses proclaiming G-d’s unity and the popular Chabad slogan, “We want the Messiah now!” Participants were given plastic flags bearing the word “Messiah” and small prizes.

Following a mix of prayer and entertainment, there were fun activities for children, including pony rides.

The Tel Aviv rally has been held for 30 years. Organizers expressed satisfaction in the shared religious-secular support for a return to Jewish values at a time of conflict, as many city leaders challenge the “status quo” agreement on religious issues by pushing for public transportation on the Sabbath.

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