
Mixed Gender Israeli Soldiers Fight Old Ideas and New Foes
Female Israeli Soldiers In Combat are Increasing
Lives of Female Soldiers in Israel with Pictures
Maria Domark – Israeli Soldier and Model
Israeli Female Soldiers on Frontline against ISIS in Sinai
Surge in Israeli Girls Entering Elite Air Force Pilots Course
Israeli Policewoman who Killed Terrorist that Tried to Stab Her
Israel’s Top Athletes Do Nude Photo Shoot
Letters With Blessings to Israeli Soldiers
The IDF’s School of Combat Fitness

Soldiers of the Caracal Battalion seen resting before beginning a 16 Kilometer journey overnight to complete their training course, in Azoz village, southern Israel, near the

October 31, 2016

A quiet revolution has taken place on Israel’s longest borders over the past year, with much of the perimeters with Egypt and Jordan being guarded by male and female soldiers

October 24, 2016

MAYAN TOLEDANO Photographer Mayan Toledano was born and raised in Haifa, Israel. As a young girl, she threw herself into dance and art, relishing the freedom such creativity afforded her. She

June 3, 2016

Maria Miri Domark has taken the internet by storm. Recognized first as a stunning model, Maria is also an active Israeli Soldier. Maria grew up in Kiryat Ono, a city

January 8, 2016

“I’m not afraid to confront terrorists if necessary,” explains Lieutenant Ada, a commander in the co-ed Caracal Battalion on the Israel-Sinai border. “ISIS fighters are terrified of being defeated by

November 17, 2015

The Israeli Air Force’s elite pilot training course has seen a 60% jump in the number of young women applying to become military pilots. According to Israel’s Channel 2 news

November 15, 2015

Policewoman: Attacker tried to stab me in the neck, so I shot her Sergeant ‘M’ says any of her comrades would have acted in same way when Palestinian woman pulled

October 20, 2015

Since 2009, ESPN The Magazine has released an annual issue that features photos of renowned athletes posing nude. The Body Issue has become a fixture of popular sports culture that

September 16, 2015

You sent the blessings and we delivered them to our soldiers in the field. Thank you for your warm wishes. This was shot with soldiers from the Paratroopers Brigade and

September 14, 2015

The IDF's School of Combat Fitness' goal is to implement the importance of culture, the combat fitness among the IDF’s soldiers, and to constitute proper conduct of combat and fitness

July 24, 2015
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