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svgadminsvgMay 28, 2015svgNews

Case Dropped Against Leftist Who Called for ‘Death to Marzel’

The State Attorney’s Office on Thursday ordered to close the case against a radical leftist who called on his Facebook page to murder Otzma Yehudit candidate Baruch Marzel, who ran on the joint list with Yachad – Ha’am Itanu that just missed out of the last elections.

A complaint was filed for Marzel by Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, after the man wrote a Facebook status calling to murder Marzel.

Attorney Shlomi Avramzon of the State Attorney’s Office responded to Ben-Gvir: “while the statement attributed to the leftist is serious and the attorney’s office completely opposes it, since it is not clear what the scope of the publication was there is great doubt as to whether there is a real possibility, as is demanded by the law, that it (the post) may lead to violent acts.”

As a result of the supposed inability to determine the potential threat of violent actions, Avramzon wrote, “it was decided that there are no grounds for a criminal investigation.”

Ben-Gvir lost no time in submitting a petition against the decision, and wrote, “I was surprised to read your letter…for your information, in countless cases you (the attorney’s office – ed.) submitted indictments against my clients for minor statements.”

“What is more, in dozens of incidents you summoned to investigation people who wrote similar or less serious things on Facebook,” charged the lawyer.

“Under such circumstances it is hard to comprehend the selective enforcement policy, and it is not hard to comprehend the feelings of discrimination and deprivation among many on the right-wing. It cannot be that a person writes that my client should be killed and this is the response.”

“There is no doubt that if someone had written (G-d forbid) that someone from Peace Now should be killed, you would stand on your hind legs and at the very least you would arrest and investigate the person,” wrote Ben-Gvir, referencing a radical leftist NGO.

In conclusion, the attorney wrote, “I ask that you reconsider your decision and if the answer is negative, please consider this letter an appeal on your decision.”

Marzel commented on the incident on Thursday evening, calling for equal legal treatment and saying, “the internal security minister and justice minister should erase the discrimination between left and right, between Arabs and Jews.”

“It cannot be that any statement against the left and the Arabs is treated seriously, while here when they’re inciting to harm me, the law goes out the window and the attorney’s office closes the case.”

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