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svgadminsvgAugust 11, 2015svgNews

Captive Spills Beans on Hamas’s Secret Attack Plans

A Hamas terrorist responsible for terror tunnel digging was arrested via a joint operation of the Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) and the Israel Police in early July, it was cleared for publication Tuesday. 

During interrogation, 21 year-old Rafah native Ibrahim Adel Shehadeh Shaer revealed a considerable amount of information to the ISA about Hamas’s activities in Rafah, particularly about its terror tunnel network. Among the exposés: that Hamas is digging a tunnel from Rafah toward the Kerem Shalom crossing into Israel. 

He also revealed the location of the excavation centers, tunnels, and shafts, and gave information about the people digging them. He also said that the new road that was paved by Hamas near Gaza border is to be used in order to stage a surprise attack against Israel, in which vehicles will race toward the border with Israel.

As part of his activities in Hamas, Shaer personally underwent a variety of training programs for combat, command, using advanced weapons and explosives.

During Operation Protective Edge he served in Hamas’s logistical support branch and assisted in transporting military equipment and explosive charges to terrorists in the field. Saer also took active part in the hostilities by planting bombs against tanks and assisting observations.

Shaer also revealed the plans and activities of several senior Hamas officials, as well as details about the relationship between Iran and Hamas.

He told interrogators that Iran has been regularly transferring funds to Hamas, as well as weapons and advanced electronic equipment designed to down Israeli drones. Iran has also trained Hamas terrorists to paraglide as a means of penetrating Israeli airspace. 

Shaer detailed the structure of the Nuhbeh elite force, as well as Hamas’s abilities in anti-tank combat, anti-aircraft combat and observation (including an ability to surveil an area 3 km into Israeli territory). He has also described changes in Hamas’s doctrine of war and the makeup of its military cells following Operation Protective Edge. 

The captive terrorist revealed that Hamas is taking matériel that is brought into Gaza for reconstruction and using it for military purposes. Civilians are forced to keep dangerous weapons and explosives in their homes, because of the fear that Israel will target large military warehouses, he added. He said that he, himself, held several explosive charges weighing 50 kg each in his home. 

Shaer was indicted by the Be’er Sheva District Court for terrorism, attempted murder, contact with a foreign agent, illegal military training, and various weapons offenses. 

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