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svgadminsvgMay 16, 2016svgNews

Cameron stands by his criticism of Trump

British Prime Minister David Cameron stands by his description of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States as “divisive, stupid and wrong,” a spokesman said on Monday, according to Reuters

Earlier on Monday, Trump, when asked about Cameron’s criticism, said such comments indicate he is unlikely to have a good relationship with the British prime minister. 

“The prime minister has made his views on Donald Trump’s comments very clear. He disagrees with them,” the spokesman said, according to Reuters

“He continues to believe that preventing Muslims from entering the U.S. is divisive, stupid and wrong. He stands by his comments.” 

Trump caused an uproar in December when he suggested that Muslims should temporarily be barred from entering the United States due to radicalization concerns. Cameron at the time was one of many officials, both in the U.S. and abroad, who blasted the remarks.

But last week, Trump partially took back his comments, emphasizing his initiative was “temporary” and “just a suggestion.”

“We have a serious problem, and it’s a temporary ban – it hasn’t been called for yet, nobody’s done it, this is just a suggestion until we find out what’s going on,” Trump told Fox News.

When asked if he would drop the ban, he replied, “Sure I’d back off on it. I’d like to back off on it as soon as possible, because frankly, I’d like to see something happen.”

Asked on Monday who Cameron would prefer to be the next president, his spokesman said he would not comment on another country’s election but said the British leader had been clear he would work with whoever won. 

“He is committed to maintaining the special relationship,” the spokesman replied, according to Reuters.

The spokesman said no meeting or call between Cameron and Trump was currently planned, but if one were proposed the prime minister would consider it. 

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