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svgadminsvgJanuary 5, 2014svgNews

Brooklyn Man Charged with 5 Attacks on Jewish Women

A Brooklyn man named Barry Baldwin, 35, has been arrested and charged with five incidents in which Jewish women were viciously punched for no apparent reason. The incidents are seen as being connected to a sadistic game called the “knockout game,” which involves targeting unsuspecting victims on the street and knocking them out with a sucker punch.

Police picked up Baldwin last week, and originally connected him to six incidents and charged him with six hate crimes because he targeted Jewish victims, sources told the Daily News. For some reason, the charges were later downgraded to assaults without a hate motive, according to court papers. Prosecutors didn’t comment on the reasons for the downgraded charges.

“Everyone will sleep a little easier,” said Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who has been warning the community about the danger.

Baldwin admitted to five incidents — four last month and one in November — but didn’t explain why he assaulted the women. He’s being held on a $10,000 bail. 

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