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svgadminsvgNovember 16, 2013svgNews

Brooklyn: Anti-Semitic Attacks Continue in ‘Game’ to Hurt Jews

Anti-semitic violence has been rising in Brooklyn, NY since the middle of September, a Brooklyn rabbi reported to CBS News. The culprit: a systemic “game”, by local gangs, to “knock out” Jews. 

Brooklyn police say that over 8 attacks against local Jews have been reported within the past 2.5 months. Many of them appear to be similar to the September 29th attack of Tzvika Tzuker: a barrage of punches to the face and torso. 

One man, who wished to remain anonymous, reported to CBS that his 12 year-old son was attacked the same way last Wednesday. It was “one, full strength with his fist, whacked him, punched him, on the side of the face, full force,” the man said.

The child went to the ground as he heard the group of five to six teens yell out. They shouted a “hysterical, happy shout, ‘We got him,’” he said.

A Hasidic man was also shot two weeks ago, in what police initially said was an attempted robbery. In that case, a man of hispanic background approached the victim and demanded money. The victim responded that he had none, as it was the Sabbath; the attacker shot him in the leg and fled the scene.

Another video shows footage of a gang attack on a 19 year-old Jewish man. The man was carrying an expensive camera, but was not approached for the object or for money. 

Rabbi Yaacov Behrman stated to CBS News that he believed that the crime wave shows signs of a new game among local gangs, to “knock out the Jews.” 

Enough incidents have been reported to prompt the NYPD Hate Crime division to open an ongoing investigation into the incidents. 

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