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svgadminsvgJune 29, 2015svgNews

Bostoner Rebbe: Israel is the Focal Point for All Jews

Arutz Sheva got the chance to speak with the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Naftali Yehuda Halevi Horowitz, about his celebrated hassidic movement in Massachussetts and the connection of Jews around the world with the land of Israel.

Noting the importance of Israel, the rabbi pointed out the prayer said three times daily in the central amida prayers, which reads “and may our eyes behold Your return to Zion.”

Israel is a source of strength and Torah, he said, adding that Jews in the diaspora “always want the land of Israel to be their focal point together with the Torah observance that we have.”

Speaking about the 2005 Disengagement plan, by which all Jews in Gaza were expelled from the community of Gush Katif, he recalled that his late father Rabbi Levi Yitzhak Horowitz “had a heavy heart” about the expulsion.

He said his father, who was Bostoner Rebbe before him until he passed in 2009, feared the Disengagement would embolden the enemies of the Jewish people – since it occurred, the Hamas terrorist organization seized control of the coastal enclave and turned it into a launching ground for three wars and countless attacks against Israel.

“Nothing was accomplished” by the expulsion, stated Rabbi Horowitz, as he called for unity among the Jewish people.

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