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admin February 15, 2012 News

Bombing Attacks Unmask Iran, Netanyahu Says

The terror bombings in New Delhi and Bangkok this week have unmasked Iran for the world to see its true face, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the Knesset Wednesday.

“Iran is undermining the world’s stability and harms innocent diplomats, he said. “World countries must condemn Iran’s terror acts and draw a red line.”

Indian officials have said there are signs that confirm Israel’s accusations that Iran was behind the attack that seriously wounded Tal Yehoshua-Koren, the wife of an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi Monday. Almost simultaneously, terrorists failed in an attack on Israeli diplomats in Georgia.

Iranians were clearly involved in Tuesday’s bombings in central Bangkok, where two suspects from the Islamic Republic have been arrested. A third escaped the country.

Security cameras on India caught the terrorists in the area of the parked car of Yehoshua-Koren.

Police also traced more than 100 phone calls made between Indian, Iran, Pakistan and Lebanon around the time of the bombing of her car.

Indian officials have arrested five men suspects, possibly the same ones from a list of approximately 50 people whom the Mossad advised India should be kept under surveillance.

Indian media reported that Yehoshua-Koren was able to indentify the motorcycle terrorist who attached the magnetic bomb to her car.






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