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svgadminsvgJanuary 21, 2014svgNews

Bomb Explodes Near Gaza Fence. No One Hurt

An explosive device went off Tuesday morning close to the security fence separating Israel and Gaza, near Kisufim. No one was hurt.

After a year of relative quiet following the IDF’s Pillar of Defense operation, the Gaza front has been heating up lately and there is more talk of another possible IDF incursion, should things get worse.

Three rockets were fired at southern Israel from Gaza on Monday, causing no casualties. Rockets were also fired at Eilat. 

Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft targeted several terrorist sites in Gaza on Saturday night, hours after a rocket attack on southern Israel.

A statement from the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that the aircraft targeted two centers of terrorist activity in southern and central Gaza. Direct hits were identified and all Israeli aircraft returned safely to their bases, said the statement.

Several hours before the airstrikes, a rocket exploded in an open area between two communities in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.

There were no physical injuries or damages. The “Red Alert” siren was sounded before the rocket exploded.

Early Thursday morning, IAF aircraft targeted a concealed rocket launcher, a weapons storage site and a center of terrorist activity in northern Gaza.

The airstrikes came in retaliation for a rocket barrage which targeted the city of Ashkelon Wednesday night. 

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Sunday that the IDF had targeted “a terror cell that was responsible for firing rockets at Israel last week, when rockets were fired at Ashkelon.” 

“We will not accept the targeting by terrorists of Israel, and we will act to cause damage to anyone that threatens the security of our citizens,” he added.

Ya’alon stressed that the days of terrorists taking “free shots” at Israel were over. “We will not permit a return to the days when rocket attacks were a matter of routine. Anyone who tries this will pay the price. I would not recommend anyone in Gaza to try our determination to defend Israelis.”

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