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svgadminsvgFebruary 4, 2016svgNews

Bereaved son livid over MKs’ meeting with terrorist families

Micha Avni, son of 76-year-old Richard Lakin who was murdered in a knife and gun attack in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in October, expressed outrage on Thursday over the meeting between three Arab MKs and relatives of one of the terrorists who murdered his father.

The three MKs in question are Jamal Zahalka, Hanin Zoabi and Basel Ghattas.

“I call on the Speaker of the Knesset to remove the parliamentary immunity of the Knesset members who met with relatives of my father’s murderer, and relatives of other murderers. I also call on the chief of police to investigate them for incitement,” Avni said Thursday night.

“If because of a sexist statement, which I of course vehemently condemn, an investigation is launched against a member of Knesset and he is asked to resign, there most certainly should be an investigation against MKs who encourage and applaud a terrorist who murdered a retired school principal who dedicated his life to education and coexistence,” he continued.

“It is important to understand that words are important, and when leaders and elected representatives of the Arab sector share in the grief and listen to the suffering of the families of the terrorists, and called the killer a ‘shahid’ (martyr -ed.), it may incite their constituents to carry out similar crimes,” warned Avni.

“The meeting as a whole is very outrageous and only alienates us from the dream of coexistence that my father dreamed about for so many years,” he concluded.

The meeting between the three MKs and families of terrorists garnered criticism and condemnations from politicians from both left and right on Thursday.

MKs Ksenia Svetlova (Zionist Union) and Amir Ohana (Likud) later said they would file a complaint with the Ethics Committee against the three MKs.

In an unprecedented move, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein also announced they would file a personal complaint with the Knesset Ethics Committee against the three Arab MKs.

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