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svgadminsvgJanuary 28, 2016svgNews

Bennett: Im Tirtzu campaign ‘degrading and unnecessary’

Follow leftist outrage over the Im Tirtzu video attacking “foreign agents” from the Israeli culture scene, politicians from the right-wing Jewish Home party have voiced their own criticism over the campaign. 

The clip was released on Wednesday night in an effort to boost support for Culture Minister Miri Regev’s (Likud)  intention to make government funding for cultural endeavors conditional on loyalty to the state.

Education Minister and Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett blasted the “campaign against artists” on his Twitter account, calling it “embarrassing, unnecessary and degrading.”

Earlier on Thursday, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) expressed similar distaste for Im Tirtzu’s controversial clip. 

“I don’t think the campaign serves any agenda, and I also don’t think you need to present artists with left-wing views as ‘foreign agents,'” Shaked told Army Radio. 

“Not everyone who is left-wing needs to be demonized, certainly not. But that the ministers in this government are presenting a clear agenda, a right-wing, nationalist [agenda], is totally legitimate.”

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