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svgadminsvgJanuary 25, 2012svgNews

Barghouti: No Peace Until Israel Leaves Judea and Samaria

Jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti on Wednesday said the Israeli-Arab conflict will only come to an end when Israel withdraws to the pre-1967 lines. Arch-terrorist Barghouti’s remarks were made after he testified in court in Jerusalem in a case filed by Israeli Kleinman family against the Palestinian Authority.

Asked by reporters whether he intends to run for a parliamentary seat in the upcoming elections, Barghouti said, “The PA has yet to set a date … Once they do, we’ll see what happens. What’s more important today is to form a national unity government and pursue peaceful resistance, including negotiations.”

Barghouti also applauded the Arab Spring revolutions saying they would “benefit the Palestinian people and their just cause.”

Barghouti, was sentenced to five life sentences for as many terror related murders in Israel, and who security services say is responsible for at least 21 other murders, was taken into custody by Israel in 2002 and convicted in 2004.

In December 2012, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pointedly refused a request from US officials that he release the 52-year old Barghouti.

Just months before, even the suggestion that Barghouti might be released as a part of a deal to free 1,027 terrorists in exchange for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit created a firestorm of outrage in the Jewish state.

Officials in Washington maintain Barghouti, called the “Prince of Resistance” by his fellow terrorists, represents a moderate stream in PA politics.

Barghouti’s regular access to the media despite his conviction is a perennial point of contention among Israelis, many of whom believe a convicted mass murderer should not be given a platform for his views – let alone run for office.

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