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svgadminsvgMay 13, 2014svgNews

Authorities Confiscate 51,840 PA Eggs

Authorities stopped a truck carrying tens of thousands of eggs from Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria into Israel. The eggs have been confiscated and are set to be destroyed, police said.

The truck attempted to pass through an IDF checkpoint and enter the Jerusalem area. Police were waiting for the truck, after information about the attempted delivery reached the Israel Chicken Raisers Association.

After stopping the truck, police went into the back of the semi-trailer – and found nearly 2,000 trays of eggs – 51,840 of them – ready for delivery. The eggs had been hidden “in a very sophisticated manner” in the truck, police said. The truck’s driver claimed that he was attempting to deliver lumber to an Israeli customer.

Officials said that the eggs had not been inspected and were lilely to contain diseases. Officials sad they worked “day and night” to prevent the illegal importation of eggs into Israel.

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